Chromatography Data System (CDS)
Data ApexClarity is an advanced Chromatography Data Station (CDS) from the Czech Company Data Apex. We have installed more than 50 units in the whole Argentina. Clarity has optional software modules for data acquisition, data processing, and instrument control.
Información adicional
Its wide range of data acquisition interfaces (A/D converters, LAN, USB, RS232) allows connection to virtually any chromatograph. Up to four independent chromatography systems can be simultaneously connected, each can acquire up to 32 signals. Single installation package contains English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Chinese localization and you can switch between them any time. Clarity can be used with any GC or HPLC. Together with optional Control modules and Extensions it provides the laboratories with complete chromatography data handling system. The Control modules provide integrated control of selected instruments, Extensions provide functions for specific separation techniques such as PDA or GPC analysis. You can monitor running analysis with your iPhone or Android powered mobile using Clarity2Go.
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