ESI-(Q)TOF. Ultra High Resolution
TargetScreener Q-TOF
BrukerTargetScreener HR is a complete solution covering the analysis of drugs, pesticides, PCP's etcetera which may be found in a variety of complex matrices such as food, saliva, urine, serum or environmental samples. The solution is based upon accurate mass measurements with a Bruker QTOF system being at the centre. Added to the powerful mass spectrometer system are all components and integrated software algorithms, methods, columns and databases to allow it to work ‘out of the box’.
Información adicional
Typically, several hundred or thousand compounds can be screened in a single analysis with simultaneous quantitation. Hence TargetScreener is the premier solution for applications such as pesticides or other contaminants in food, animal feed or water.
When applied to forensic analysis, it is equally powerful for urine analysis or serum analysis for poisons/drug screening, workplace control for illicit drugs and doping control.
Version 4.0 adds several key capabilities to the TargetScreener HR solution:
Flexibility of using both targeted and non-targeted workflows in routine and research environments.
Power to confidently answer questions “what else is in the sample?” and “what is the difference between samples?” with non-targeted data acquisition, analysis, and retrospective data mining.
Adaptability of employing both LC and GC separations and switching between UHPLC-QTOF and GC-APCI-QTOF workflows interchangeably.
Expanded database of drugs, pesticides, and environmental pollutants for both LC and GC workflow.
New database for water analysis with nearly 400 entries covering all compounds required by the European regulations.
Key Reasons for Implementing TargetScreener HR
Using TargetScreener HR means that within the analytical run time of 20 minutes the system collects ‘all of the data, all of the time’ thus providing retrospective and unknown identification capabilities. Hence, if previously run samples are required to be screened for new compounds of interest then a simple operation allows this without the need to reinject the sample.
The highly curated large database provides the highest chance of eliminating false positive and false negative rates by using resolution, accurate mass, isotopic patterns, adducts and bbCID fragmentation patterns and comparing to the acquired data. The system is also highly sensitive and quantitative for use in food safety or drugs of abuse work and required legal limits of detection.
TargetScreener HR is extremely powerful for in-depth, investigative screening and quantitation as well as retrospective data mining.
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