ESI-(Q)TOF. Ultra High Resolution
BrukerYou expect the fullest possible insight into your sample.
compact delivers the highest quality of results without compromise. All specified performance parameters simultaneously delivered in a single run with no need for tuning or optimization is what makes compact unique.
Full Sensitivity Resolution
Having to choose between resolution and sensitivity on other instruments restricts depth to which you can understand your sample.
Información adicional
Research-Grade Technology Meets High Productivity
The power of technology demanded for research applications is now available in a compact, robust and economic bench-top system.
Research-grade technology applied to every routine analytical task. The new Bruker compact QTOF features:
- 50 GBit/sec sampling technology maintaining full specification resolution even during ultrafast chromatography
- Increased dynamic range for definitive trace analysis from complex, high-background matrices
- Low picogram sensitivity to rival the best triple-quadrupole sensitivity while delivering full scan, precise mass data
- Superior 1 ppm mass accuracy ensured by automated calibration
High Dynamic Range
5 orders of magnitude intrascan dynamic range at LC speed. Very fast detection and digitizing technology is key to maintaining full resolution at all acquisition speeds and provide high dynamic range to detect the smallest peaks in the presence of high-abundance background matrix.
Chemistry Support
Your in-lab, publication-ready facility for synthetic chemical confirmation delivered and managed!
Compass OpenAccess™ provides an automated walk-up accuratemass system for chemical formula identification, confirmation and general LC-MS measurements.
Further information: Compass OpenAccess™
SmartFormula Determination
Three dimensions of information simultaneously raise your analytical tasks to unrivaled heights of confidence: Measure with superior accurate mass Validate with True Isotopic Pattern (TIP) analysis Also benefit from accurate mass and TIP in analysis of fragments in MS/MS mode.
Fully integrated HRAM-MS and NMR data for unrivalled structure verification This ground-breaking software package allows users to easily integrate high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry (MS) and complementary NMR data.